Maximum Safety.
Also for your Job.

Fair Payment

We know that appropriate compensation for our highly valued employees is fundamental as we recognise the vital significance of financial stability and well-being in today's economy.

Job Security

We are committed to providing a stable and supportive work environment that promotes our valued team members' continued long-term stability and career advancement.


We aspire to create a welcoming work environment that encourages a community mindset, enhances productivity, and promotes positive engagement between our team members.

Meaningful Work

Our dedication to promoting hydrogen as a future energy source stems from our commitment to environmental responsibility, as we made it our mission to contribute to a sustainable world by developing clean hydrogen mobility.

Forward Thinking

To remain relevant and competitive, we must anticipate and prepare for future challenges and opportunities with enthusiasm and determination.

Employee Development

We are fully committed to the development of our employees, recognising that they are our most valuable asset, and we firmly believe that investing in their professional growth and advancement is critical to the success of our company.

Our location: Iserlohn

Why Maximator VETEQ?

Employees until 2027
production area

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